Health & Safety

Occupational Health

Occupational Health helps employers to understand how work impacts the health of their workforce and whether workers are fit to carry out their role.

Working alongside medically-trained Occupational Health practitioners minimises the risks associated with work-related diseases through the assessment of safe working practices, health surveillance and sickness absence management.

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How we help

Improving wellbeing at work

We can provide seamless Occupational Health support through our sister company, Healthwork, which is the ultimate service provider.

The service is designed to assist clients in complying with legislation relating to employee health at work and to optimise employee health, attendance and wellbeing. Through their core advisory service, they offer a wide range of support that can be tailored to your organisation to enable you to:

  • Establish each individual employee’s fitness for work through assessment undertaken by an Occupational Health clinician

  • Help to manage employee absence by providing independent, robust and evidence-based opinion on an individual’s ability to perform their role

  • Support effective return to work strategies by providing advice on an occupational rehabilitative plan, including guidance on adjustments and timescales

  • Determine whether employees are likely to meet ill-health retirement criteria for the relevant pension scheme

  • Assist in promoting general health and wellbeing of the workforce

Related resources

Free webinar

Managing Work-Related Stress Resulting from Conflict, COVID and Other Causes


How to Manage Mental Health Related Absences


Occupational Health Services

Support for business owners, HR teams and managers

Work-related absences of any kind whether physical or mental can seriously impact your bottom line. Whether the employee remains at work through their illness or is off sick long term, Occupational Health intervention can stop unmanaged conditions from hampering your commercial success.

Through utilising Healthwork’s extensive range of support services, you’ll have the expertise you need to improve performance and attendance – whilst taking care of your employees’ welfare at the same time.

Occupational Health clinicians can assist you in tricky matters such as identifying whether an injury or absence derives from the workplace and assessing if the individual’s medical history is consistent with the complaint. From a legal perspective, they can also provide recommendations on any necessary adjustments that need to be made to help an employee meet the expectations of their role.

Popular FAQs

Common Occupational Health queries, answered by our sister company, Healthwork.

What is Occupational Health?

Occupational Health is a specialist branch of medicine concerned with the effects of work upon health, and health upon work. It assists the employer to fulfil its duty of care in making reasonable adjustments, where possible, and in supporting a safe working environment.

What standards of competence are applied to your nurses and physicians?

All our doctors are Consultant Occupational Physicians and hold the highest level of qualification in occupational medicine, i.e. membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. Our nurses are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), and have an in-depth understanding of occupational hazards, risk and industrial disease.

What is an Occupational Health Referral?

If an employee has been absent from work for an extended period or has had frequent short-term absence, Manager or HR Managers may refer them to Healthwork. The purpose of the referral is to provide employers with clear, impartial and professional advice on matters relating to an employee’s fitness for work. Occupational Health Referrals are undertaken by a qualified Occupational Health Nurse/Physician (OHN/OHP) which may be telephonic or a face-to-face assessment.

What is Health Surveillance?

Health Surveillance is about systematically checking for early signs of work-related ill health in employees exposed to certain health risks/hazards. It means putting in place certain protocols and procedures to achieve this, including Occupational Health assessments.

Who needs a Health Surveillance assessment?

The employer will identify and advise Healthwork of any areas within the business where Health Surveillance may be required. This could be due to the employee working with tools which vibrate, a noisy environment, working in a dusty environment or with chemicals, etc. There are a number of different areas where Health Surveillance may be required.

What's included in our fixed-fee Health & Safety support

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Why choose us?

Experts in Health & Safety

We have the expertise to help you simplify complex health and safety legislation, find workable solutions to health and safety challenges, and protect your organisation from the rising cost of non-compliance. 

  • Approved by a Primary Authority
  • Dedicated specialists with recognised qualifications
  • Genuine hands-on experience of managing risk
  • Cost certainty with our unlimited, fixed-fee model
  • The confidence to act as one of your competent persons

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