Relaxing of restrictions | How can retailers reduce risk?
BLOG Written by Nick Wilson on 23 July 2021 Step 4 of the government’s lockdown roadmap was activated in England on 19 July. Despite this,

Pingdemic panic | Do employees need to self-isolate if notified by the COVID-19 app?
BLOG Written by James Tamm on 22 July 2021 The delta variant has led to a nationwide ‘pingdemic’, with record numbers of people self-isolating. At

Mask confusion | Can we compel employees to wear face coverings at work?
BLOG Written on 20 July 2021 Of all the issues to emerge from the recent lockdown-lifting announcement, the continued use of face coverings is perhaps

Keeping employees safe post-lockdown | 5 things to do now
BLOG Written by Nick Wilson on 16 July 2021 Restrictions might soon be over, but does this mean that employers should abandon all health and

HSE statistics 2020/21 | More fatalities despite fewer people working?
BLOG Written by Nick Wilson on 16 July 2021 Few things drive home the importance of workplace health and safety like the HSE’s annual fatality

How to manage mental health related absences
BLOG Written by Alexandra Farmer on 12 July 2021 Though mental health has long been considered one of the greatest epidemics of our time, the

Post-COVID competence | Are your employees still health and safety aware?
BLOG Written on 9 July 2021 For businesses, adapting to the full reopening of society will be a significant task. Amongst more immediate challenges such

Why employees might not be entitled to the 2022 bonus bank holiday
BLOG Written by Alexandra Farmer on 8 July 2021 There are few things Brits love more than a summer bank holiday, and next year we

Staycations, sickness and self-isolation | How to manage short-term summer absences
BLOG Written by Alexandra Farmer on 5 July 2021 It’s not uncommon for businesses to experience higher levels of planned and unplanned absences over the summer months.

CQC Compliance acquisition bolsters WorkNest’s services for health and social care providers
NEWS Chester – 30 June 2021: Ellis Whittam is delighted to announce the latest in a string of acquisitions by parent company Marlowe plc. CQC

CQC Compliance acquisition bolsters Ellis Whittam’s services for health and social care providers
NEWS Chester – 30 June 2021: Ellis Whittam is delighted to announce the latest in a string of acquisitions by parent company Marlowe plc. CQC

Ways to create a more LGBTQ-inclusive workplace
BLOG Written on 30 June 2021 Despite always retaining a number of core duties, HR is a function that continually evolves with the society in