Supporting a return to work for staff suffering with long COVID
Blog Written on 10 January 2022 Epidemiologists say long COVID is likely to affect over half a million people this winter, and that over 2

Health and safety in education | 5 fines from 2021 and focuses for 2022
BLOG Written by Scott Crichton on 4 January 2022 Whilst COVID-19 continues to create issues within education – particularly in respect to Omicron and the updated guidance

How to measure your health and safety performance in 2022 (and why it’s important)
BLOG Written on 22 December 2021 The importance of measurement is well understood in business. Financial measurement helps firms determine if their business model is

SSP changes mean employers cannot demand a doctor’s note until 28 days
BLOG Written on 21 December 2021 Employees who are sick or self-isolating can normally self-certify for the first seven days of absence. This means following

HSE annual statistics 2020/21 | The impact of COVID-19
BLOG Written on 16 December 2021 The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has today released its annual summary statistics for Great Britain in 2020/21. The

Sexual harassment in the workplace | Where are we now?
BLOG Written on 16 December 2021 Thanks to a series of public outcries and increasingly progressive societal attitudes, recent years have seen sexual harassment become

How to manage performance in the world of hybrid work
BLOG Written on 13 December 2021 It’s not unusual for employers to assume that those who put in longer hours get more work done. In reality,

Plan B | Why working from home is only part of the solution
BLOG Written on 9 December 2021 Boris Johnson has confirmed the move to ‘Plan B’ in England in a bid to slow the “extraordinary” spread of the

Remote redundancy | Is consultation via Zoom, email or phone legal?
BLOG Written on 7 December 2021 After the CEO of a US digital mortgage firm made headlines for firing 900 people in a single Zoom call,

Understanding ‘reasonably foreseeable’ risk in health and safety
BLOG Written on 7 December 2021 Health and safety negligence-based law provides that employers have a duty to prevent injury or harm from acts that

Is it time to ditch the employee dress code?
BLOG Written on 6 December 2021 We all know that old habits die hard, and as businesses continue to transition back to the conventional office-based

Can I change remote workers’ pay?
BLOG Written by Suzanne Wrench on 1 December 2021 According to our Mind the Gap survey, less than half (40%) of employees are confident that home and