Driving for work | Road safety charity calls on employers to take urgent action
Following a plateau in collision figures, a road safety charity has now stressed that urgent action is needed to tackle the number of work-related traffic

National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage 2020 | Updated rates explained
It’s that time again. The National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage increase from 1 April. Then there’s the Living Wage – not to be

Employee retention | How to combat the New Year recruitment crisis and hold on to staff in 2020
There’s something about January that makes many of us feel like making drastic life changes. Whether it’s going meat-free, putting your house on the market

New Employment Bill | What does the new decade have in store for employment law?
The Conservative Party made a number of ambitious employment-related pledges in their election manifesto, but now that they hold a comfortable majority, what “radical” changes

Good Work Plan latest | Employment Law changes for your 2020 calendar
In 2018, the government produced its Good Work Plan, setting out several proposed changes to employment law intended to improve the rights of employees and

8 New Year’s health and safety resolutions your business should consider
With the start of a new decade comes the opportunity to start afresh, and many of us are busy reflecting on some positive changes we

Philosophical belief discrimination? | Employee dismissed over transphobic views
In the era of social justice, issues of gender identity stir up heated debate between those pushing for greater acceptance and those refusing to budge

The rising threat of Employment Tribunal claims | What new quarterly statistics tell us
If you’re concerned about the significant spike in Employment Tribunal claims in recent years, it’s not time to breathe out just yet, as quarterly statistics

Avoiding safety slip-ups at the work Christmas party
It’s that time of year again, when workplaces everywhere gather their staff together to enjoy the festivities and celebrate hard work. While party season is

Why a focus on behavioural safety may prove more effective than physical controls
BLOG Every year, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) produces work-related injury and ill-health statistics. While the long-term rates of injury and ill health show

All rewards and no repercussions | Is favouritism at work illegal?
As humans, we will naturally warm to some people more than others. However, in the workplace, preferential treatment can create real issues. It’s quite common

Pushed out the door? | What employers need to know about constructive dismissal
Not all dismissals involve an employer giving an employee their marching orders. In some cases, an act or acts committed by the employer creates such