EU workers after Brexit | What should employers do now?
Now that Britain has left the European Union, employers may be wondering what happens in regard to EU citizens under their employment. If they wish

Detached, exhausted and dreading work | Tackling the phenomenon of employee burnout
Ever witnessed a normally enthusiastic, hardworking employee start to become irritable and disengaged? If so, they may be exhibiting signs of burnout – and it’s

Blue tape | Has health and safety gone too far?
It’s often said that health and safety has gone to extremes, but is this really the case? Complaints about ‘excessive’ health and safety rules and

Managing employees | Are you approaching conflict wrong?
It’s an aspect of the job most would hope to avoid, but when you’re in charge of a team, managing conflict comes with the territory.

Fake news? | 5 common health and safety myths busted
Ever heard that health and safety law bans sandals in the office? Or that Christmas lights are no longer allowed in the workplace? Well, as

Government confirms statutory bereavement leave for parents from April 2020
From 6 April 2020, any parent who suffers a stillbirth or loses a child under the age of 18 will be entitled to two weeks’

SCHOOLS | 8 ways to keep your classrooms health and safety compliant
Children flourish in a safe and secure learning environment – and this starts in the classroom. Pupils and teachers spend most of their day in

Direct discrimination | What employers need to know
Blog Written by Hannah Kennedy on 12 February 2021 So what’s the difference? In this article, we take a look at direct discrimination, including the

Top 5 health and safety fines | December 2019
Health and safety might not be the most exciting part of running a business, but a lax attitude can have devastating effects. Serious health and

What women want | Employee told to “act gay” to sell handbags brings harassment claim
When you run a business, it’s quite natural to want those on your front line to be able to connect with your customers. From only

Unhappy birthday | Employee brings age discrimination claim over “humiliating” 50th remark
Age discrimination in the workplace is a very real and heavily ingrained issue. From bias during the recruitment process to being denied training and development

Health and safety on school trips | 2020 guide for schools
Out-of-school activities are important both educationally and in terms of wider personal development. They add to the curriculum, build confidence and increase skills. However, with