Performance management in the virtual workplace | 3 tips for managers
It’s often said that an organisation’s workforce or ‘human capital’ is its greatest driving force, and therefore its greatest asset. However, another rule of thumb

Preparing for a second wave | What employers can do now
In March, COVID-19 knocked the wind out of the UK economy as many businesses were forced to grind to a halt during national lockdown. However,

WorkNest | How we’re supporting colleague wellbeing during coronavirus
Our People Engagement Team share how we at EW have been prioritising wellbeing during the pandemic Mental health has been key focus for us at

Ellis Whittam | How we’re supporting colleague wellbeing during coronavirus
Our People Engagement Team share how we at EW have been prioritising wellbeing during the pandemic Mental health has been key focus for us at

The contentious issue of face coverings | Are they needed in the workplace?
COVID-19 advice The information in this blog is correct as at 12 August 2020. For the most up-to-date Employment Law and Health & Safety advice to

What you need to know about probationary periods
It’s quite common for an employee’s contract to include a probationary period to give the employer time to assess their suitability and capability for the

Don’t forget the basics | 7 areas of workplace safety that must not be overlooked during COVID-19
As the country’s workplace health and safety regulator, the HSE has supported the government’s response to COVID-19 with a focus on protecting workers and others

Becoming COVID-secure | 10 tips for creating a safe workplace post-lockdown
COVID-19 advice The information in this blog is correct as at 3 August 2020. For the most up-to-date Employment Law and Health & Safety advice to

How to fairly select employees for redundancy
Blog Written by Hannah Kennedy on 12 February 2021 Earlier this month, EasyJet made headlines for allegedly using pilots’ sickness records to select for redundancy.

How to manage employees in post-travel quarantine
COVID-19 advice The information in this blog is correct as at 30 July 2020. For the most up-to-date Employment Law and Health & Safety advice to

COVID-19 | Time to review your risk assessments?
COVID-19 advice The information in this blog is correct as at 22 July 2020. For the most up-to-date Employment Law and Health & Safety advice to

HSE inspections | How to prepare your workplace for COVID-19 ‘spot checks’
Blog The HSE and local authorities have begun visiting businesses to check they are COVID-compliant. Having reminded employees of the mechanism for reporting genuine concerns